Going Serverless with Next.js and Firebase


Santheepkumar / July 19, 2019

5 min read––– views

A critical step in freelance development is assessing your client's business problem and finding the best technology to solve it. "Best" could mean a variety of things depending on the client: cheap, fast, robust, future-proof, or industry standard. This post will outline how I assessed a business problem, chose the "best" technology, and delivered a timely solution to my client.

BeyondHQ is an early-stage startup that helps companies expand outside of San Francisco. Think "Expansion-as-a-Service" - finding the right city, opening an office, growing your team, etc. They needed a basic website explaining who, what, and why - as well as a platform to build their SaaS solutions on top of. That's where I came in.

The Requirements

For the main website, the requirements were fairly straight forward:

  • Basic splash page with information about the product.
  • About page with information on the employees.
  • Frequently asked questions page.
  • Save off information from a contact form.
  • Cheap hosting. Ideally free.

They also wanted a platform to build SaaS on. That meant I needed to consider more requirements, as it would be the next bit of functionality I would create.

The first step towards their full-featured SaaS product was a location evaluation tool. Users could enter information like their company size, the number of employees, and potential expansion locations to get a list of their top city matches. Then, they could explore each city and see metrics about what made it an attractive option to expand to. Those requirements were a bit more complex:

  • Resilient, highly available, and fast.
  • Cheap storage. Ideally free.
  • Great SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
  • City pages should be dynamic and pull from a database.
  • The ability for non-technical people to easily edit data.
  • Save off lead generation information from user input.

The Technology

Given these requirements, what technical choices did I make and why? Let's take a look.


React is the industry-standard for building modern web applications. Of 90,000 developers surveyed by Stack Overflow, React was the most loved and most wanted. This technology provides a platform for the main website, as well as any future SaaS.


Next.js makes it easy to build scalable, performant React code. It's blazing fast and uses server-side rendering to improve SEO. On top of that, it simplifies the developer experience and provides a future-proof platform for the BeyondHQ team.


Deploying serverless applications couldn't be easier with Vercel. It's resilient, highly available, and fault-tolerant. Plus, it has an excellent free tier with the ability to scale as needed.


Firebase is the industry standard NoSQL platform. It has a sufficient user/permissions system and an easy interface for non-technical users. Did it mention it has a generous free tier? Firebase's Cloud Firestore product allowed us to save off contact info, city information, and user's lead gen input. It was a no-brainer!

Why use NoSQL? There weren't any requirements which needed a relational database. If there were, I might have considered Postgres on Hasura instead.

The Solution

After reviewing the requirements and choosing the technology, the next step was to begin implementing a solution. But first, mockups!


I iterated over a handful of designs and went back and forth with the team, tweaking things based on their feedback. We eventually agreed on a mockup and the coding commenced.

API Route

To use Firebase, we need to create an API route. This will allow us to use firebase-admin to communicate with our Cloud Firestore database.

Note: You need to generate and download a service account in Firebase.

import admin from 'firebase-admin';

if (!admin.apps.length) {
    credential: admin.credential.cert({
      project_id: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID,
      private_key: process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY,
      client_email: process.env.FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL

export default admin.firestore();
import firebase from '../../../lib/firebase';

export default (req, res) => {
    .then((doc) => {
    .catch((error) => {
      res.json({ error });

Let's break this down.

  • A request is made to /api/city/des-moines
  • A connection to Firestore is created with your service account
  • We query the cities collection
  • req.query.name has the dynamic route value of des-moines
  • We return the data for that document

The Client

For each city, we want to pass the name as a route (e.g. /city/des-moines) and fetch data from our API. Let's create pages/city/[name].js using dynamic routing and SWR.

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import useSWR from 'swr';

const fetcher = async (...args) => {
  const res = await fetch(...args);

  return res.json();

function City() {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { name } = router.query;
  const { data } = useSWR(`/api/city/${name}`, fetcher);

  if (!data) {
    return 'Loading...';

  return (
      <p>Population: {data.population}</p>

export default City;

This gives you the flexibility to add a loading state or placeholder to improve your user experience.

Loading Placeholder

Much better! 🎉


If you find yourself with similar requirements, you can now consider using this stack to provide an elegant solution. For more information, check out Real-Time Blog Post Views With Next.js and Firebase.

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